Wednesday 25 March 2009

It's come a long way

The progression I have made from my prelim task (scrapbook pages 6, 7 and 8) right up to the end of my music magazine production, I feel has been huge. When I was creating my prelim task I did very little research or preparation. I did not have specific target audience and then when I was in the production stage itself I did not have a good detailed knowledge of Photoshop or Indesign. I think this showed and I did not create a good product.

When I created the music magazine I progressed on all of these points which I had trouble with before with the prelim. Before I knew what type of magazine I was creating, I researched music magazines and the music magazine industry. I found what conventions look good on magazine and what look bad. An example of this was when I created a spider diagram (scrapbook page 9) of the typical convensions of a music magazine. I looked into what typically makes a music magazines look good and what all music magazine have. Aspects like where the image goes on the front cover and the typical contents that are found inside the magazine. I the started the initial idea stage. I had not come up with a highly detailed initial idea stage for my prelim task. With the music magazine I made a mood board and bullet pointed ideas about it.

As well as researching magazines and making an initial idea stage, I then started to research target audiences which would be interested in my magazine. I took a lot of time over this stage as it was vital in deciding what type of magazine that I wanted to create and what I would need to include in my magazine. Over all I did far more preparation before making my music magazine than I did for my prelim task. (Scrapbook page 45)

When it came to the production stage I found it far easier this time to create the magazine as I had longer to learn how to use the software and more time to try out different layouts. As for feedback from my target audience, I did not get very many people's feedback from my target audience for my prelim task but for my music magazine I went out and conducted a focus group to find out what my target audience thought of the magazine.

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