Wednesday 25 March 2009

First Thoughts

I had a lot of initial ideas for my magazine. One idea that really stuck out though was to do a magazine that focused on new music and many different genres of music. This would include genre's like dance, electronic, Indie rockAcoustic, underground bands and alternative.
I started by creating a college magazine called the Talker. It was a magazine based primarily on my College's life. The reason for the this task was to families me with how magazines are made. Once I had finished it, I started researching other music magazines and seeing what type of magazine I would want to create. I found this particuly hard because I could not make my mind up on what type of magazine to create. So I decided that I would try to create Music magazine that had the best of two types of music magazines, Mainstream magazines like Q and NME which are very popular as they report and review mainstream and popular music and alternative magazines. I liked this idea as it gave me a wide base from which I could build my magazine.

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